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What is Refugees into Work - Niederrhein?

Refugees into Work - Niederrhein is a project that promotes the labor market integration and employability of refugees in Oberhausen and the district of Wesel. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus).

The project participants are supported in completing or catching up on their education (school, academic) and are accompanied in the transition between school, training or study and work. 

In addition, the project aims to achieve a structural improvement in access to education and work for refugees through cooperation with job centers (Jobcenter), municipal integration centers (Kommunale Integrationszentren) and employers in the region.

Target group

  • Refugees aged 15 and over
  • In possession of: residence permit, temporary residence permit or tolerance permit
  • Must not be subject to an absolute work ban
  • Temporary work bans are harmless, e.g. this applies to asylum seekers (§ 61 AsylG) who have not been in Germany for three months with a residence permit, temporary residence permit or tolerance permit
  • Stakeholders in the labour market, such as employers, public authorities. labour market-related organization, associations and initiatives

Offers for ...



Offers for refugees

  • Accompaniment in school and vocational education and in work and support up to the start of work and during employment
  • Vocational guidance and preparation, training aids, vocational integration and career entry support
  • Mediation in educational offers for social participation
  • Placement in qualification and language courses
  • Job security and competence assessment
  • Support in recognition procedures of foreign degrees and certificates, as well as equivalence procedures, questions concerning residence permits and tolerance
  • Advice on questions concerning employment permits in the context of asylum and residence law
  • Referral advice on health and psychological counseling, housing, family matters, consumer issues, criminal matters, violence and victim protection
  • Training courses on IT and media literacy, health care, management of resources and professional language development

     Flyer in German and English (Kreis Wesel)

     Flyer in German and English (Oberhausen)



Offers for employers (i.a. companies, public institutions, associations)

  • Support during the application and recruitment processes and during the employment of project participants
  • Training to promote anti-discriminatory and anti-racist attitudes, diversity competence and administrative matters
  • Assistance and awareness-raising on intercultural and diversity challenges of the project participants
  • Accompanying professional language support for project participants
  • Support with labour law issues of the project participants

Das Projekt „Refugees into Work - Niederrhein“ wird im Rahmen des Programms „WIR“ durch das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales und die Europäische Union über den Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus (ESF Plus) gefördert.